Yes, dear readers: I can hardly believe at all Unseriörität, but I've become 30th This festival had to be absolutely committed and of course we have the day of my arrival at a guest list and third phone call to all guests. And of course - how could it be otherwise, we naturally thought of in this WG also a motto. First of all threatened a priest and Flittchenparty to run out ... until we after much back and forth, then we could simply agree on Bad-Taste-Party. In retrospect, this subject is not without problems, because in my eyes anyway so many things bad-taste, but now was the topic of course decided already. The guests gave themselves clearly effortless with the costumes and we have queen amused. For this event I bought one of these specially Plünnenläden a polyester coat plaster, with the subsequent try-although all were so smart that I have with hair grease and lipstick one had to sit on it. The best thing was actually this game, in which all have to guess a word that is played without words. The most brilliant was that we turned the tables and the guests who were already there, already knew the concept and the latecomers did not know this. This was explained in the term and they had to play for him. The group allowed the term - so obviously he was, guess not, of course. Why, what was that fun, as Zigmas tormented beaten us five minutes to explain that he was a giraffe ... Vince or a hen or Ausra and Nastute a kangaroo. Is also nasty and there are guests, that such games you play better, because they simply can not laugh at themselves.
pattern was mixed until the rind cracks, because there was skin-colored socks to sandals, to inappropriate dowdy tie shirt from the '80s. One wonders always what people however have everything in the closet ... might come again come into fashion ... you never know!
Then I even sang a duet with Mindaugas "Sometimes My Heart" by Lehar, and my father accompanied us to the tune piano. Oh, too bad that there is no record of it. This was such a sensational act now, what can I say, it was just another of these brilliant parties, as you can come celebrate ONLY in this flat ...
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