Friday, December 31, 2010

This Program Is Dedicated To My Mother


9th January 2011

Dear Father Laisney,

It may be fifteen or more years since we last talk in person. I still remember with great joy in that encounter and thank you again for the little gift you have presented to me then. Therefore, I urge you, do not misunderstand the following remarks as an attack on your person or your integrity, or both, for nothing could be further than you personally to attack or pull your integrity into question.

On 16 December 2010, at 16:07 clock, was in the English-language discussion forum Ignis Ardens posted by "Credo", a letter the reportedly came from you and addressed to an unknown correspondent is. "Credo" argued that the letter had been leaked to him anonymously, with a request to publish it on the web. After reading the text and considered worthy of publication, he upheld this request, but did not do so to vouch for its authenticity, and this for the good reason that this one and only you yourself are capable of. I sat down with "credo" in combination, and asked him if his anonymous correspondent or the person who had invited him to the stationing of the text on the Internet, are known. The two questions he answered in the negative. made to justify it He claims that you are in the Fraternity of St. Pius X. a famous person and you have commented on an issue that the strike among traditionalist-minded Catholics current high waves, the contents of the letter do not give the impression that this would Gerüchtekrämerei operated or played with marked cards. I would like to emphasize that Ignis Ardens has been around for many years, in contrast to other forums of a moderate traditionalist language use and subscribes to the Catholic heritage is committed, as brokered by Archbishop Lefebvre.

My first request to you, then, is to read the following letter:
"I am appalled at how easily some people stir up unfounded suspicions and slander other people! I quoted: ". Two of his fellow bishops, Bishop Williamson and Bishop Tissier de Mallerais appearing in any Board of Directors, assets of the Fraternity managed, which seems very strange," Bishop Williamson was in Winona member of our association, as long as he served there as superior, he was also a member of several local associations in the U.S. as long as they were romantically involved with the seminar. Bishop Tissier was during his time as Secretary General in many organizations. I was also in many companies, when I was in the U.S. District Superior, or treasurer. But we of the Fraternity of St. Pius X. hold positions in companies by virtue of our position in the fraternity and in our personal names, so that our successor takes over this position when we lay down our office. It is nothing strange at all, quite the opposite! This is precisely that spirit of poverty and serenity, which is fitting to the priests and servants of Christ.
Another example of a defamatory statement: "The fact that the Fraternity of St. Pius X. involved in international financial markets seems to be ... "Sorry, that's simply not easy! The management of assets was the task of In the first section mentioned company, and if the management of assets to a "involvement in international financial markets" is, is already beginning the slander ... As a former Treasurer, I can testify that the Society does not speculate on financial markets and who enters into any usury! We seek the contrary then, to avoid the world of finance, when a band has some savings, we make sure that they lend it to another chapel, which has debts - either entirely free of interest or at a very low interest rate to counter inflation . Thus also help the low interest paid by a chapel at the implementation of the projects of another chapel, and the donations of the faithful are not misused in order to fatten the bankers, but designed to meet the good Catholic projects.
Maximilian Krah is one of our faithful and a competent lawyer, who has previously we often stood in litigation in which it was mostly legacies in our favor, which had been challenged by others. He has successfully defended our rights. Especially in the case of legacies in the German speaking world he is us with knowledgeable legal advice to the side; of this is not unusual on the contrary, (we have in every major district similar legal advisor: In France, the USA ... usually it is from these to people who belong to us. The criteria that we hire them are honesty and competence, not their political views). Please take note that Mr Krah's work with the CDU to the drive-by donations for a limited Monastery (Kloster St. Marienthal), if that's all that has been issued against him, there is certainly no reason for concern ...
Mr Krah's not a Jew, he may have one or the other Jewish friend, what is truly in the business world is not unusual. If DICI claims tungsten Nahrath have had connections to neo-Nazis is not because of his ties to the NPD, but because of his contacts with two other groups (Bishop Fellay I called her name, which I do not remember, however, in the word "Viking"). One of them has already been convicted in Germany as a neo-Nazi. Bishop Fellay was right when he demanded the release of this attorney. Bishop Williamson has obeyed and too have the right thing. Deo gratias. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the world that exist in this present darkness, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places" (Ephesians 6: 12). We fight for the Believe, for the fair, for the supernatural truth and grace, and we trust the testimony of God. Historical facts are not on this level, they are based on the testimony of people, we leave that to historians. . May the Holy Virgin of Fatima to help us, lest we be distracted from our duty "
Signed: Father Francis Laisney

Some questions

first Would you please let me know if you are the author of this letter?

second If the answer is no, then you have an explanation for why someone should write a letter in your name to the more as you are associated with the scandal-Krah not yet entered into the picture?

If this letter is not from you, we will publish your reply to the dossier, "The Complete Krahgate File", which in the Discussion Forum Ignis Ardens in the section "General Discussion", marked in red subsection "Pinned" threads configured: http : / / & showtopic = 6577 .
In this case, you may be sure, fear that members of Ignis Ardens and others will not bother to bring in experience, is on whose account this brazen forgery.

Knowing you, I am however, feel that the language and reasoning structure of the letter match your style. Some information betray the knowledge of things that were not previously known and therefore require explanation. Therefore, I will make the following a series of questions which are based exclusively on this letter, and I ask politely for a public response. If I was wrong and the letter does not come from your pen, I would request in this forum without any reservation to apologize and offer me a rosary to pray for redress.

first The letter begins by saying: "I am appalled about how easily some people stir up unfounded suspicions and slander other people. "

Forgive me, Father, but I must ask you, the alleged" call to slander! In the dossier on the scandal-Krah, there are no slander. What I and others have found, are publicly available facts that anyone can check from anywhere in the world easily, are above suspicion (no blogs, no questionable Web sites, etc.) and therefore can not be refuted. On the basis of proven facts (please note the word "proven"!) Were the top Authority within the Fraternity, Bishop Fellay, some important questions. On these issues, there are no accusations, slurs, attacks, personal defamation or slanderous allegations. The first stationed on the web article on this topic, that of William of Norwich, for ending with the words: "This release is based on no evil intentions. From them only speaks deep concern about the future of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X and its leadership. "respectful, on publicly available documents and undeniably real issues at the foot of a high-ranking personality of the Catholic moral doctrine, not" slander ". And I ask you, with concrete examples - not only by statements - to prove that they are published by faithful, traditionalist Catholics documents are "slander" mentioned.

second The second sentence of the letter that "Two of his fellow bishops , Bishop Williamson and Bishop Tissier de Mallerais appear in any board, manages the assets of the Fraternity, which seems very strange. "

Using a search engine I've searched the documentation on the Krah scandal after that set and found it only once - sent to you in the letter that was published under the heading "Alleged Answers. I can only assume that this sentence appears in one of the hundreds published by Ignis Ardens comments, or that you have found him in another blog. If he is released by Ignis Ardens, I remember plain and enfach not believe it. Whatever the case, the sentence is a comment and nothing more. The many provided information on important issues are thus not affected, as by your assertion here to be operated with "defamation". Perhaps you could tell us where you got that sentence?

3. More important than the previous is the following, originating from them saying: "We of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. hold positions in companies by virtue of our position in the fraternity and in our personal names, so that our successor takes over this position when we lay down our office. It is nothing strange at all, quite the opposite! "

With all due respect, Father, I think you have misunderstood the concerns of the faithful in several respects. First, no one has the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X denied the right to protect their assets, to finance the tasks of the Fraternity appropriately. Second, we, the Society support for decades, are in most cases, aware that such financial structures have existed from the beginning. Third, no one has claimed that it was objectionable that members have held the Fraternity at different times and for different lengths of term positions in related companies. have questioned, only the following points that you ignored my deep conviction for intentionally be:

First, why wearing a man like Krah, a layman who takes part only in recent years on the measurement of the Brotherhood, in Germany a very specific political profile, and for someone who describes himself as "irreproachable Catholics called "highly questionable contacts, maintains such an important position?

Secondly - and this point is even more important - the questions were related to the company, which cooperates with the Society, almost exclusively on two of them, Dello Sarto Jaidhof and private foundations in which Maximilian Krah is involved. Both companies are still young, and their role is expressed cautious opaque. Dello Sarto was founded in 2009, the Foundation Jaidhof anno 2006. Ironically, during that period began to ingratiate himself with Mr. Krah of the Fraternity.

That these questions - The key issues at stake in the whole Krah affair - pick up at all, but instead dwell on small law firms in different districts, has allayed the fears of the faithful around the world by no means - quite the opposite: that you are the Answering these questions is key, the "suspicion" that you regret in your letter, new food given! It may be natural that you read Internet posts only fleeting and unknown correspondents respond too hastily. If this is the case, then You now have the opportunity to comment on elaborate on these important questions, which I put You very warmly, as a possible silence on your part only speculation confer additional buoyancy, which is not desirable.

4. You write: " Another example of defamatory statements: 'The fact that the Fraternity of St. Pius X. involved in international financial markets seems to be ... 'I'm sorry, that's just simply not. "

I interpret this sentence so that the Society is NOT involved in international financial markets, for this information, we are grateful and we feel relief about. At the Question, however, was not defamatory. William of Norwich, who was the first to contented himself with the careful wording "It seems that ..." This is not a categorical statement, but a statement made with reservations, William of Norwich was based on certain information, which he attributes had found:

5th forces here now to another question: If the task of Dello Sarto limited to "asset management" in the strict sense postulated by you, then why was this company founded so late, and why they cooperate with a law firm based in Zurich?

your website can be inferred that it is a powerful, led by top experts and is obviously an expensive undertaking. An outsider can not avoid the impression that it was attributed to her for the task far too large.

also another question remains unanswered: Why did not attack the Society upon the services of another, much earlier established companies? Can Dello Sarto something that the other financial structures can not? And why does Mr Krah Dello Sarto calculated as a manager? Would a properly trained clerk for this task can not cope? Your description to appear the volume of work ("If a band has some savings, we make sure that they lend it to another band -. Either totally free of interest or at a very low interest rate to the inflation counteract thus also help the low interest rates, a chapel shall, for the realization of the projects of another chapel ") means so complicated that it would require the services of this international law firm interdependence. Maybe provide us a declaration and release us believers, we support the Society financially, and we create the prerequisite that they can actually run a "asset management", by tormenting worry!

6. You write: "As a former treasurer I can testify that the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. does not speculate on financial markets and who enters into any usury. "

With all due respect, I must unfortunately say you, Father, that you can provide any evidence for this. You can only hold that operated the Society during her time as treasurer in any such activities, but about what did after retiring, you may not know. How many years have you resigned your position as treasurer? Five years? Eight years ago? Ten years? This is well understood not an attack on you, and I think it merely states that someone who has vacated a post, do not know is what drives his successor. I make no question your sincerity, but only your power to make such a categorical statement.

7th to Mr Krah you write, this stand of the Fraternity "I the German speaking world n with knowledgeable advice to " specially go when it comes to legacies.

the basis of what facts you vouch for Mr Krah's competence? Is your statement based on your personal experience, or just repeat what you have heard from others?

8th You write: "Mr. Krah is not a Jew, he may have one or the other Jewish friend that is in the business world is not unusual. "

What justified your claim, Krah was not a Jew? On 28
December 2010, at 14:12 clock, stationed at Ignis Ardens Krah a contribution of a number of statements contained, but he never denied being a Jew. He claimed only that he was Catholic. Is well known, also named a Catholic cardinal Lustiger described, but at the same time as Jews.
Given the fact that the thesis, Krah was a Jew, was one of the thorniest points in the article William of Norwich would it really surprise you but that Krah has denied this claim clearly. It is difficult to argue that it was an insignificant detail, have overlooked that Mr Krah! With the argument that William of Norwich a baseless allegation was set up, you can not come, because pointed as the source for his statement this on a website, which is concerned about the "American Friends of Tel Aviv":

If you look at the photos carefully there figuration you will see that each of the copied is called by name. You probably need an expert in the field of analysis of names to be to realize that this is nothing but Jews, who - in the city with the world's highest Jewish population - participate in a Jewish ceremony and support the activities of an Israeli university, which Israeli security forces is controlled, the latter can look back on a long history of anti-Catholic and anti-Christian activities of the most murderous way. Can one seriously believe Mr Krah had been the only non-Jew present on this occasion - and this, even though he does not deny being a Jew?

9th purpose nor a supplement. They write, Krah had perhaps " one or the other Jewish friend .

basis of the above-cited website William of Norwich has proved beyond doubt that Krah has in fact Jewish friends. His friends could also include Mischa Morgenbesser, a Lawyers at the Bader AG (Zurich) active lawyers, saying his company was the only Hebrew. I remember that precisely supports this company via the Fraternity Della Sarto legally. You happen to know whether this company, the leadership of the Fraternity of Krah has been recommended?

10th In her letter states: " Please take note that Mr Krah's work with the CDU is limited to the driving of donations to a monastery (Kloster St. Marienthal), if all that is what exists against him, there is certainly no cause for concern. "

Dear Father Laisney, this sentence gives rise to several questions, including how you know at all about the background of the whole affair notice.
Krah's cooperation with the CDU is by no means limited to, raise funds for the Monastery of St. Marienthal. Had you followed the link given by William of Norwich, which is about Krah and its current relations with the CDU, they would have seen that Krah, according to the Journal of the CDU in Dresden (issue of July / August 2005) in June 2005 with 81 , 66% of the vote to the press spokesman of the CDU in Dresden has been selected. In its issue of May 2006 reported the same journal, Krah had encountered in his editorial.

Krah's political activities do not interest me particularly, if one ignores the fact that the CDU is in any way a Christian party - nor democratic, if the word "democracy" seriously. Where necessary, it does not shy away from clearly anti-Catholic comments, it should be remembered that Angela Merkel, the Pope rebuked for his alleged "rehabilitation" Bishop Williamson - a scandal for which has the Priestly Fraternity of any response and the more incredible acts as a straight the CDU really like schwämt of the "blessings" of the separation of church and state.
I would like to ask, the details to check himself, but has since William of Norwich, the connections between the CDU and Krah are disclosed, relevant information mysteriously disappeared from the Internet. Fortunately, a brave soul has saved Catholic wisely mentioned the two dossiers on the CDU, it will be classified in the near future in the full dossier on the scandal-Krah, so that you can convince yourself and others from the facts.

11th still collect a word to Krah's efforts, donations for the monastery of St. Marienthal.
was first pointed out that this monastery, the oldest Cistercian monastery in Germany, is dominated by supporters of the council, so that one gets the impression that it was much more a place to conduct conferences on "justice, peace, ecology and other konziliäre agenda, as a place where nuns praying and sacrificing work towards their salvation.
Why should a man who poses as a traditionalist Catholic, want to raise money for a monastery, being advertised in the council, although not in Germany but a lack of facilities of the Fraternity that such donations would be much more worthy? The
- actually less than an hour from home Krah remote - monastery of wonderful beauty, a Ruhmesmal for the faith which was denied by a high market value and is a "board" out on its composition, I found no information.

But however interesting this may be everything, the important point lies elsewhere: Nowhere in the entire documentation of the Krah scandal or elsewhere to Ignis Ardens I found even the slightest mention of this monastery, and I is not the track of evidence showing that Krah had ever called for donations for them! In neither the CDU-file, which until recently were still accessible on the Internet, this monastery appreciated the mention.
This means that you have seem to have information that does not have the public and we would be grateful to the highest degree, if you could tell us where you have them. The question may happened to sound trivial at first glance, but since Mr Krah dances seem to many weddings at the same time, it would be desirable to also gain clarity on this point.

12th Because of a brief letter, I could make you even half a dozen other issues, but limit myself to one.
They argue that the criteria for hiring the Brotherhood of its legal advisors, are their "honesty and competence" and not their political views. I am sure all supporters of the Brotherhood of St. Pius X priests to speak, though I have this statement with the word "Amen" Acknowledge. Accordingly, if Mr Krah, he was both honest and competent, for the Society regardless of his political beliefs of the ideal lawyer, and not a traditionalist would have something to say against him.

The problem is that a hook, so it has the even two. First demonstrated by the fact that Krah as a lawyer for Bishop Williamson at his trial in April 2010 as expected loss Matthias Mann has chosen, by no means of competence, but by distressing disability. Krah was not able to find a criminal defense lawyer who had made clear at the trial that the bishop had failed in any way contrary to German law. It was here not about the so-called "Holocaust denial" but merely a question of whether the Regensburg court ever had the right to condemn Williamson. Krah's decision for loss man has inflicted serious damage to the bishop, whether Krah's incompetence was due to bad faith, and whether he erred in good faith, only God knows.

The second problem is that your assertion that the Society to choose their own lawyers on the honesty and competence and not on their political views do not look the facts correspond. If the
- chosen by Bishop Fellay - Krah was qualified despite his membership in the CDU theoretically sufficient to represent Williamson in the first instance, why has Fellay then appealed to the revision process, a veto Nahrath?

It may be objected impossible Nahrath was not competent to defend Williamson in such, by German standards delicate process, because he himself has made in Germany in 2010 as a lawyer spectacular successes, can be detected easily. Nor doubt Nahrath honesty are permissible, because in contrast to the men and Loss Krah man he literally risked his freedom if he verteidgt his clients on "sensitive" procedures.

say you Nahraht was not because of his membership in the (legalen!) NPD, but because of its relations with any movement was unacceptable that the word "Viking" in their name. How would you use the search engine easily can find out is with this group to the Viking Youth. That Bishop Fellay Nahrath political activities as chairman of Viking times more youth taking as a pretext to Bishop Williamson to refuse a capable and honest lawyer can only wonder. The Viking Youth in 1994, ie before the age of sixteen prohibited! Was it somebody to say one, Father Schmidberger should in the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. not hold high office because he has heard many years ago sedisvakantistischen a youth group? And would anyone presume to deny the right Archbishop Lefebvre establishing the Fraternity because he has praised Marshal Pétain, and others today as "politically incorrect" current figures?
seemed to me so far-fetched as the other. See you, dear Father, it's not something strange that the self-proclaimed "Perfect Catholic" Krah was set at a time in which Bishop Williamson needed a decent lawyer, the "mirror" within an hour of the appointment Nahrath into the picture?

Dear Father Laisney, I am assuming that you are at the moment when you wrote your letter, use information from third-hand left. If you have taken your letter aims to reassure anxious Catholics, then do so thoroughly failed. In my view, prove my statements made here that in the Krah scandal has yet to be clarified many facts. Only then can we come closer to the truth - a truth so which the prayerful, obedient and joyful believers full payment claim have.

Once again: Nothing is further than to accuse you of unfair or immoral intentions. That you have reported the matter to word came as a surprise to anyone, because before you had been silent for Krah scandal. I would urge you to give the faithful answers to the questions posed here, namely, to the best of my knowledge. If you do not own assets, you could use the guidance of the Fraternity of St. Pius X. may ask for you to step into the breach and hereby the line under one of the darkest episodes to draw, which have shaken the Society in recent decades.

original " Krahgate: A Reply to Fr Laisney "

Friday, December 17, 2010

How Do I Un Remove An Event

Cross Gate

Dear friends of truth!

in the efforts, the poor Germans Krahgate closer to - after all, Federal Germany is a very strong financial base of the SSPX is - pushed us to strange things in the "mysterious" anonymous and O-Ton " Europe's largest Catholic Internet platform "called, kneading briefly.

For a few Weeks there, publish different users at different times, individual comments that refer to the documents cited in the introduction Krahgate pages. Time these comments will appear below the red-titled article in the editorial office, look under the blue titled readers newspapers.

However, it takes always a few minutes before the kneading editorial team will delete comments entirely and locks the user permanently, although he faced no breach wrought rule. You can try it yourself, of course with a temporary user name. Only veiled references to the Krahgate "get through", because the server software can imagine.

is true that the truth does not even halt: The Krahgate is in English, French and English-speaking Internet spreads quickly and passionately discussed.
remains the question: tried Why the "Europe's largest and supposedly Catholic Internet platform in the German space like a hawk to stop the spread of any reference to Krahgate, where else is allowed to stand even anti-Christian filth too long?

Mind you, we are not talking about references to this article at Cross Gate, assumptions, sets up, but solely on references to Krahgate to do that at first glance, with no kneading should have .

kneading has only a small team and used for most editorial article outside vendors, including many well-meaning Catholics. The small editorial team will delete reader comments kneading usually only if they were specific to a message from concerned Catholics button together with the reasons reported to the editors.
It is wrought with so common that as offensive, anti-Christian or even Satanic Reader comments are usually deleted until late, sometimes after a day or more. True Catholics disturbs many years. Their big question was from the beginning: "Why can Catholic Internet web page that profoundly un-and anti-Christian things are published on their sites? "What our Triune God-loving Catholic, could allow the long run?

Krahgate The "fighting game" allows some conclusions:
  • The Krahgate referring to the comments by readers are not reported and then deleted by the editors, but directly from the kneading editors. Only they can remove as quickly and thoroughly Krahgate any notice to knead immediately.
    used the wrought-editor (now) features of its server software, which in certain key words an alarm message to send the editors. If you think about what to stop for un-Christian filth in reader comments usually long and wide, you have to say: The number of these key words is unusually small, but still includes all the words that characterize the Krahgate.
  • That the editorial eradicated any open reference to the Krahgate bedeudet immediately, that protect the operator of the kneading website Krah and his Jewish agenda. Thus, even kneading either Krah and other backers delivered or even part of them.
  • least results in a gratifying conclusion: That of " William of Norwich "published and has Veritas1961" fanned Krahgate hit the mark and started the Reconquista in the SSPX formally. On that dark machinations finally come to light.

The kneading editorial deletes any reference to the so eagerly Krahgate to Krah and his backers to protect. This leads to the following hypothesis:

When kneading is a false flag operation, explains this ... :
  • Why on kneading in more than eight years only two "refutations" were, although wrought with a huge number of ions Institute, personalities, etc. has created.
    These two "counter-statements" are coincidentally both from the Zionists Maximilian Krah, and, like all his posts kneading to do under the pseudonym " Pius XII " and earlier " MK28 ," with truth little.
    In these "refutations" Krah attacked the then private secretary to Bishop Williamson and editor of the Eleison Comments, Stephen Heiner. The latter had dared:
    1) a bad Spiegel article (1 disassemble February 2010). This Spiegel article "capped" at that time the evils of Bishop Williamson and was using Krah, B. and P. Fellays Pflugers concluded. Kneading reported at the time (February 8, 2010) even more.
    2) the first-Krah "reply" to sharply criticize. Shortly after Heiner had to give up his pressure by B. Fellay Secretary-lay post.
    you can read both texts in the English original:
    - " Der Spiegel: The Real Story " (February 2, 2010)
    - " Responding to Mr. Krah " (February 10, 2010)
  • Why the kneading SSPX leadership for two to three years, began when her Judaization or rather obvious, was considerably treated more favorably than before. The guide was a "family bonus".
  • Why indeed wrought criticism of the extreme "Holocaust" numbers games (6 million) permits, but the "Holocaust" in the core still defended. Also, kneading thus obscures the core issue: No Holes, No Holocaust "- no holes, no Holocaust (aD Prof. Robert Faurisson).
  • kneading Why is too often a bitter and vicious language and use similar resources, many sources quote manipulative or indirectly falsifying quotes, etc., which devout Catholics is completely contrary.
  • Why is wrought by the issue of homosexuality obsessed and therefore equal to distract Christian from important issues and the natural decency and strays. The Catholic readers are doused almost daily with homosexual crap, what "binding" on sticky way to a straw man.
    An experienced priest once said: The endowed by Satan homosexuality is so completely counter to any healthy people that the occasional sentencing that mortal sin is enough perfectly, and the other one does not reach anyway. "Dwelling" on the subject is unnecessary, because normal people so unanimously to do nothing want to have. Why
  • Comments by sodomites, anti-Christians, Satanists, etc., often for hours or even days to stop kneading, despite notification of concerned Catholics.
  • Etc..

Many points are talking to believe that:
... a pro-Jewish false flag operation is.
Divide et impera - divide and rule: 1) brings kneading constantly insulting, over-zealous and far more than the supposed target shooting also own article with a Catholic painting, the Catholic reader spurs on and on, and confused them. 2) Kneading awaits them in the comment section devout Catholics in a chaotic Gladiatorial arena with endless, pointless and savage insult democratic discussions. Are dominated at the end always the majority of non-and anti-Christian participants, so that stops next to a few real comments in an avalanche of lies and anti-Christian invective. (And third kneading can easily collect the IP addresses of participants.)

result, the public is presented a picture of the Catholic, how could it not be more distorted and repugnant. Moreover, truth is always mixed with lies, as for the Second Vatican Council.
Whom does it all, is easy to calculate. To whom it hurts, too: because kneading is conservative to semi-traditional exist so that it is mainly the Catholic tradition, that the silverware of the church, defiled.

For such a false flag operation would certainly include that appear proper kneading own articles, which also allows criticism of the agenda of the kneading backers, only work as long as the poison can be interspersed between them.
are told how many true Catholics supplier to the editorial article of the anonymous kneading, to serve him above all as "useful idiots". Furthermore, their original texts are often exacerbated by kneading, distorted and published otherwise processed, as in God Far unscrupulous print media.

The domain name "" was the way on 14 May 2002 registered (" Record created on 14-May-2002 "). Ironically, on 14 May, the birthday of "Israel". What a "coincidence".

we not forget that Satan is the enemy of man and the earth is the battleground between the armies of heaven and hell, and that traitor to the Lord more and get their Judas. If the enemies of God thus "provide" for Germany, then to Germany is a compliment. The devil has just afraid of his religious awakening. God will always stand by!

Our recommendation to Catholics enter wrought with great care and with mental technical arrangements, eg anonymizing services in order to leave no IP addresses and other tracks.

for goodness sake!

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Can You Get Ringworm From A Brazilian Wax


Photo: N. Spychiger

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Yahoo Stock Ticker List


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Breast Milk Suitability For Puppies


Monday, March 1, 2010

Play Funbrian Poptropika


Photo: N. Münger

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Fun Playground Fun

Kränzchen mit Mimose und Lavendel

you can find such wreaths at retail, or you can pre-order. Gladly, I finished such pre-spring-rings to suit your needs (size, colors, etc.)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Malkin Russian Olympic Jersey


transition from alpine to Mediterranean area