Dumela O Kai,
I am on the PCM, my first day off in Pretoria and just enjoy the fact that I take the opportunity to time "blogging" again. ..
Given and I
As great as the rueberkommt everything now, but it is not: The main problem with the SOCA is namely that it's all very aimless, that almost all kids from the Leratohaus come (Girls at risk), guys from the shelters of Akanani (Homeless Aid) and Friends of Given and his aides in the classes and Given that it is not the number get to design a real time curriculum. Instruction is also no such, because it is quite sung without concept, dance, music and so on. For the kids and young people who come out, although it is funny in any case like this and it has created a genuine community, but to make a (semi) professional School Of Creative Arts, it needs more! If I want to bring inside as a little structure and enable especially new people, must in any case, some are changed. But we'll see what happens there ...
What is also noteworthy, however, is that I, the longer I am here less and less at all perceive the skin color of a person. Sounds pretty exaggerated, but is actually so ...
are then two new volunteers arrived yesterday, one lives with me in Salvokop - I am no longer so alone. We are then in the evening to a free jazz concert the roof of the Pretoria State Theatre's gone, which was really cool because all the volunteers and the entire crew of the School Of Creative Arts have celebrated. When the concert was over went to a club on the road all the time was sung, made party and solos from Jo'burg (which I like to write something) was rapping with me. The response was so great, because after a short time, all zugehoert and celebrated. Eloquent goes international, Part 2 The club was not a success, because after about 10 minutes we had to go ueberstuerzt because it was too dangerous. Something has happened to me so far not yet. In any case, we went to another club where I learned intensively to dance like the South Africans. The Music has been such a funny African House, however, motivated to dance extreme. While they're doing on it pretty crazy and German standards sometimes very vulgar moves, but it somehow always looks very cool.
In any case, it is funny can be this now, because the people here celebrate it whenever a white bread unwrapping their moves:) I have two objectives in any case so far observed, 1 Punch a battle against a South African, 2 Dance with a hot Suedafrikanerin. Brakka!
The way home was an experience because we are back on the mitgefahren Pick-Up Truck by Marumo. Because they are no longer came home, slept among others already mentioned solos with Sven in the house and then there was the opportunity to converse with him right times. The boy is 22 years old, has now been two months in Pretoria and lives in a shelter of PCM, his mother also. He has previously lived in the Hillbrow district of Johannesburg and a bit about it - Quote: "In Hillbrow, everybody is a victim." That is to say shootings are everyday, almost all are unemployed, drug addict and criminal, and when you walk through the streets, throw you behind the junkies bottles and garbage. He was on hard drugs has stolen, etc., but then had a dramatic experience: he wanted to steal a woman's bag but was caught by the police, who wanted to arrest him, of course. The woman, however, a Sozialabeiterin, said the policeman, they should let him go, she would take him to his home - a criminal drug addicts. This has apparently worked for solos so blatant that he wanted to get out of the juggernaut and is cut off to Pretoria, where he is now staying with PCM. According to him, he is now completely clean, makes no more shit and wants to begin a "normal" life. For this reason he is doing on Akanani IT courses, so he soon manages to himself and his mother from the shelters rauszuholen and just "normal" to live. No plan, but I think it's so powerful and violent. In any case, we woolen us now take time and a little rap and to establish bloed really something, because there is a studio here, which can be relatively cheap rent.
So far so good, now I will probably get to go to a braai (barbecue) with the German, French and Danish embassy children, so to know new people. Then again perhaps Partyyyyyy ...
Sharp sharp,
F abi
PS: Do not wonder about the title, I had to fit somehow. Piiiz ...
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